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Helping standardize processes in work teams by adapting and adopting l...

Coyoacán - Ciudad de México Responsible for driving the home office pilot and later the first home office team with 200+ phone associates and 7 reservation managers working from home... CVs similares this home based position:
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Gerente calidad

Magdalena - Sonora The main activities directed on this position were... in general, several activities have been developed in this position for example...  reduction of $100k inspection... CVs similares this home based position:
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Gerente de operaciones / gerente de produccion / gerente de aseguranza...

Nuevo León • developed and implemented a supplier score card based on quality, delivery, and responsiveness... quality assurance manager general electric • first manager at... CVs similares this home based position:
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Storage admin

El Marqués - Querétaro this environment provide disk to vmware/windows/linux/unix servers... my main responsibilities in this position included planning and onsite deployments of dell...
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Call center representative

Acatic - Jalisco this particular position brought some extremely useful knowledge... in any case, this job was amazing... this marked the beginning of my call center experience...
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Vice presidente de bienes raices, mercadeo y ventas de residencias

Ciudad de México - Ciudad de México A unique home furnishing concept... create and implement processes/systems to improve the end-to-end home 72 hrs... • generate and interactive fractional presentation...
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Coordinador de relaciones institucionales

San Pedro Garza García - Nuevo León position the company as a socially responsible organization... during the months in this position significantly impacted quality and efficiency of costumer service...
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Ceo / exec. director / president company name tla international servic...

Puerto Vallarta - Jalisco A unique home furnishing concept... • generate and interactive fractional presentation to empower sales on this product... tui lifestyle translates tui pranich’s...
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Ehs manager

Hermosillo - Sonora I am in contact with you to apply for the position of ehs manager, since your company needs a professional on this position, i send my resume to be part of the selection...
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Native english content writer

Ciudad de México - Ciudad de México Meaning the process and mechanics that investors adopted in this country unlike their western counterparts... this project as a software application supported the...
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Mobility manager / general manager

Querétaro According to the type of position and employee benefits package... • establishment and monitored revenue and productivity goals, based on exceeding the expectations...
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Project manager

Benito Juárez - Ciudad de México home address 2: calle 41, col: lomas de casa blanca, queretaro... • home address 1: tiepolo 27 int 803, col: ciudad de los deportes, cdmx... datos personales...
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Interprete traductor bilingüe desde casa

Naucalpan de Juárez - Estado de México You basically win your customers trust, then you can position new products in the market such as high speed internet, direct tv, u-verse tv, home phone, wireless...
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It project manager

Toluca - Estado de México this version of the vdi architecture is based on hpe dl560s servers, xtremio storage, esxi hypervisor and virtualization of citrix desktop without drp capability...
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Marketing manager

Querétaro - Querétaro this is a remote position sales and marketing junior manager nalum private retreats led the sales and marketing team, in coordination with the operations manager...
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Senior maintenance manager

Reynosa - Tamaulipas • projects based on electricity, plumbing, hydraulics, pneumatics, construction, woodcraft, welding structures, etc... • contractor in government projects, industrial...
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